Monday, October 26, 2009

Public Option Insurance

How many of you are fed up with the present Congressional/Presidential Health Insurance proposal? I am for sure. A major point of contention for me is the "Public Option" that is being pushed hard by Obama and Congress.

They are pushing for insurance reform and want to push a Government backed Public Option on us. Why? I have no idea.

They are progressing with the legislation that would make it mandatory for people to have insurance. All well and good if you can afford it. I know a couple that are paying approximately $24,000 for their insurance policy. I am glad they can afford it, but I sure couldn't. Not unless someone triples my salary. Don't think that will happen.

I have spoken with Doctors, Nurses and HR personnel and no one that I have spoken with so far is for the Public Option. Why? Because it makes the present health care situation even worse. The government makes Medicare/Medicaid so complicated now, just imagine what it will be with the new government insurance program. Also, bank on them reducing the benefits of those two programs.

They are noting that companies will be penalized for dropping employee insurance programs, but don't bank on them having to pay the fines they will get. But then again they may. I just may be cheaper for them to pay the fine as opposed to paying for their present health insurance policies. Then we are screwed.

Also, we will be fined if we can't afford or get health insurance. If I fall into the category of not being able to afford it, which is almost definitely the case, then how does the government expect me to pay the fine. If they deduct it from my paycheck or directly from my bank account will they then pay the creditors I have? Will the government sent notices to the credit card companies and other people for them to forgive my debt to them as the government is taking my money. I doubt it.

Also, one large cost of present health care providers is liability insurance. Doctors having to pay in excess of $250,000 for it. You know the cost gets passed on to us. That is also why they run test upon test when we see them. They have to CYA.
